Thursday, November 30, 2023

Dave Turns 14

The years are absolutely flying by-cannot believe Dave is 14 now! His birthday was pretty chill this year since it was the Sunday after Thanksgiving. We went to dinner with Josh's parents at Jefferson Street Barbecue which Dave very much enjoyed (well we all did, ha!).

They surprised him with a new wedge of some kind (I can never remember the names of these random golf clubs!). 

He got another golf club from us as well, again I believe it was a wedge. :) As for a Dave update I'd say the main thing is that he love love loves golf. It's basically all he talks about. It's been so cool watching him find something he is so passionate about and he's gotten pretty good at it in a short period of time! He still loves playing video games with his cousins and friends and enjoys a good board game as well. He's doing remarkably well in school and has done great in his E-sports and robotics this year. 

Here are the boys with their new advent calendar and ornaments for the year!


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