Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Early November Happenings

 After our busy October, we slowed down a bit for November which was very nice! We missed the fall cookout/celebration of Grandpa Dave's birthday so we had some family over on a beautiful day after we got back. 

November started robotics competitions as well. Here's Ike at one of his league competitions at Northfield.

Ike and some of his friends needed to work on a school assignment so we hosted. They made flaky salt from regular salt, pretty cool actually!

We really had some beautiful weather days, the kids and I took frequent walks.

Josh and Dave heading to one of their last rounds of golf for the year-twinning.

This one is kinda gross-Ike dislocated his finger a little but no worries Josh popped it right back into place! :)

And we got our Christmas lights up! We didn't turn them on until the week before Thanksgiving but we made sure to get them up on a warm day.

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