Thursday, November 30, 2023

Dave Turns 14

The years are absolutely flying by-cannot believe Dave is 14 now! His birthday was pretty chill this year since it was the Sunday after Thanksgiving. We went to dinner with Josh's parents at Jefferson Street Barbecue which Dave very much enjoyed (well we all did, ha!).

They surprised him with a new wedge of some kind (I can never remember the names of these random golf clubs!). 

He got another golf club from us as well, again I believe it was a wedge. :) As for a Dave update I'd say the main thing is that he love love loves golf. It's basically all he talks about. It's been so cool watching him find something he is so passionate about and he's gotten pretty good at it in a short period of time! He still loves playing video games with his cousins and friends and enjoys a good board game as well. He's doing remarkably well in school and has done great in his E-sports and robotics this year. 

Here are the boys with their new advent calendar and ornaments for the year!


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Thanksgiving 2023

This year Josh's grandparents hosted us for Thanksgiving-they're usually in Florida but had to stay back this year because of a hip surgery. We really enjoyed getting to spend the day with all of the family and of course the boys were super excited to get some extra cousin time!

Playing switch sports the night before. 

Josh really knocked it out of the park with these turkeys!

Quick family pic before heading to Logansport. 


The food was delicious and their house was packed to the brim! Wonderful day to visit and catch up with everyone.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Early November Happenings

 After our busy October, we slowed down a bit for November which was very nice! We missed the fall cookout/celebration of Grandpa Dave's birthday so we had some family over on a beautiful day after we got back. 

November started robotics competitions as well. Here's Ike at one of his league competitions at Northfield.

Ike and some of his friends needed to work on a school assignment so we hosted. They made flaky salt from regular salt, pretty cool actually!

We really had some beautiful weather days, the kids and I took frequent walks.

Josh and Dave heading to one of their last rounds of golf for the year-twinning.

This one is kinda gross-Ike dislocated his finger a little but no worries Josh popped it right back into place! :)

And we got our Christmas lights up! We didn't turn them on until the week before Thanksgiving but we made sure to get them up on a warm day.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Halloween and End of Gardening Season

The kids threw together some costumes this year-Ike was a dinosaur head and Dave was a meteorologist on location. 

Ike went trick or treating with friends in Wabash also and went as Draco Malfoy.

I harvested the last of my garden. Lots and lots of hot peppers and a few more tomatoes. 

I love campus in the fall-the trees are so beautiful. 

And then it snowed, ha! Wasn't too bad but man it was early!