Friday, May 31, 2024

Last Days of School

Ike had his very last school carnival this year. It's so sad he's not going to be at the elementary school anymore!

Here he is in all his glory from winning prizes. 

Gamma came up this weekend because the kids had some activities going on. 

Dave's final band concert of the year. They played some fun songs this time around!

It's official, last day of school!

Comparison shot from 5 years ago. 

We had a get together at Josh's aunts over Memorial Day Weekend.

These boys are so cute. They brought me breakfast on my birthday from 50 East. 

Me and my neighbor buddy Wesley. He likes to come help me plant things :)


Friday, May 17, 2024

Mother's Day 2024

We had a beautiful Mother's Day this year! It can be iffy but we really lucked out this time. We went to church (Josh's whole family was up so everybody came) then had a get together at the valley.

Quick family picture in our backyard. 

Not Mother's Day related but this plant was doing so well and I love how varied it looks. 


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Spring Sports and Outdoors

Dave started his second golf season this spring. He just loves it, which is so cool to watch! He had several matches the first couple of weeks. 

Here he is at the Honeywell course. 

I'm pretty sure this is at Etna. 

Josh found a monster mushroom. Unfortunately we didn't have any more this size!

We participated in the campus yard sale and the kids helped me out with it. Dave came over Saturday morning while Ike had soccer and worked the food table for a bit. 

Ike and Maddie hanging out around campus. 

Got Ike weed-whipping this year. He does a pretty good job!

The Northern Lights were visible for us for a couple of evenings. This was so so cool. 

Ike and Grandpa Boo after a soccer match.