Sunday, November 23, 2008

Starting Fresh


We're starting this blog as a way to keep in touch with people from all of our walks of life. Josh and I recently changed jobs, sold our house (hopefully!), and moved two hours north to Wabash, IN. You can see what our new job (as house parents) entails at

Our goal is to keep this somewhat updated with the exploits of dealing with 14-17 year old boys on a daily basis.

Hope you enjoy!



Lisa said...

Thanks for starting this! Can't wait to start seeing pictures of your new place!

afw27 said...

Mrs. Bowyer! I heard you were leaving to be a "house-parent," but being so long it never occured to me that it could be an "FT" (Family Teacher). I went to a boarding school that was a lot like White's. I admire that you are doing something like that. Comming from a situation like that, I can tell you first hand, it will take a lot, but I'm certain you can take it. I hope that everything goes well for you, know you are always wanted back at Herron. Believe it or not, you still affected people who weren't in your classes.