Tuesday, April 13, 2010

19 weeks-Check up with the doctor

Dave had his 4 month check up this week. He is 25.5 inches, 14.4 pounds, and has a 16.25 inch noggin. Percentile-wise he is of average height, skinny, and has an average-sized head. While we were there, our pediatrician told us to try rice cereal. Here are our efforts.

He went cross-eyed at the sight of real food.

And managed to take down about 1/4 of what was fed to him.

I'll take it as a win. However, we're going to give him another week before trying again-he's still doing the newborn tongue thrust.

He officially sits up for periods of about a minute or two. He goes longer if he has something to focus on. Once I find my camcorder I'll upload a video of him sitting up. Cuteness.

Dave has been a little difficult the last week. Waking up during the night-we think he's hitting a growth spurt. Also slightly cranky-probably due to teething. The doctor thought he would cut a tooth in the next two months. Long process!

I love this picture. Such genuine happiness.

Here's the video I promised...sorry it took so long!


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