Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!

It has finally come and gone-the baby boy turned 1 on Friday. I suppose I can't really call him a baby boy sad! Anyway, we celebrated at Josh's family's Thanksgiving here on campus at White's.

Here's his official 12 month/1 year photo. He totally sat in this chair for all of 20 seconds.

Here's Dave with Great-Grandpa Dave.

Dave and Sophie playing. My dad and stepmom got him that toy for his birthday. He loves it (and so did she!)

Sophie's dad (Chad) raced them around in a beanbag. Sophie loved it. Dave was a little more timid.

Dave rocking his new hat. Such a thug.

We had a great time at Thanksgiving. Of course, Dave loved all the food. He received lots of cool stuff for his birthday, including the last piece to his bedroom set-the toy box! Grandma and Grandpa B were very crafty in getting this a putting it together without me (or Dave) finding out! Here he is in his new "toy".

Thanks to everyone for making Dave's two week long birthday extravaganza amazing! We love and appreciate all of you :)

And finally, here's the last birthday song of the year. Thanksgiving birthday song.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Birthday Countdown

We are 6 short days away from Dave's first birthday. This cannot be happening! To help ease my pain, I decided to post some pictures of early Dave. So, around this time last year....

I was really counting on him not being born on Thanksgiving. That didn't work out! Here's the last picture of my bump before Dave:

That sure was a lot to carry around. I look at him now and wonder how he was ever small enough to fit!

Dave did an excellent job and came extremely quick-remember the anesthesiologist didn't get there in time for an epidural. Here's one of his very first pictures:

First family photo:

First day at home. That was a crazy time!

And finally, one of the first videos of him. This was taken in the hospital, I think the day after he was born. Hiccuping at the hospital.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Early Birthday!

As I mentioned last week, we spent the weekend hanging out in Evansville with my family. We were able to do quite a bit of stuff in a short amount of time!

On Friday, we had my mom take pictures for our Christmas cards this year. We went over to my grandpa's property-very picturesque. Here is one of many attempts!

Trying to coax Dave into a smile with a stick...clearly not working.
Don't worry, Josh was ready. This is how most of our pictures turn out. One of us is smiling at the camera and the other is getting Dave to focus.

We scheduled our photo shoot right before Dave's nap-not the best idea we've had. Anyway, we got a good shot, but I don't want to spoil it to all of you getting our card this year.

Then Josh went golfing, and Dave and I headed over to my dad's to hang out before he and Kyra went to Indy for a meeting.

While there, Dave got to play in a bunch of leaves...he really enjoyed himself.

Granddad and Dave discussing his new vacuum (found it cheap at Once Upon a Child, love that place)

Showing off his newest obsession-Touchdown! He was doing this all weekend and would clap for himself if he didn't get the praise he was after.

On Saturday, we had Dave's party on my mom's side. Happy Birthday Video 1.

Uncle Tony entertaining the birthday boy with a ride in a metal bowl.

Dave wasn't quite sure about the whole cake thing. Papaw stepped in to feed him some.

I think he finally got the hang of it!

Then on Sunday, we had his party at my dad's. More cake for us! Happy Birthday Video 2.

This time, Dave wouldn't put get his fingers messy, so Josh helped him out.

We really had a great trip! Thanks to everyone who hung out with us. Dave received all kinds of new toys (that I'm sure you'll see in upcoming posts).

One more video. Dave has started sticking out his tongue at people and finds it hilarious when you do it back to him. So, here's a video. Dave laughing at mom.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Cold Weather

Dave is finally feeling better, as are Josh and I. Another weekend of work-it actually went really well and Dave was pretty easy to entertain. Now we're getting through this week (working Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), then we have a four day weekend!

We are heading down to Evansville to visit and celebrate Dave's birthday (a little bit early).

That's all the updates I have, so here are some pictures!

Dave all dressed up in his winter garb. He is so confused by the mittens.

First snow of the year! It was pretty short-lived though. Of course, nothing stuck, and now it's supposed to be in the low 60s this week! That's Indiana for you.

Dave found the chocolate sauce in the cupboard and figured out how to open it. I wondered why he was being so quiet in the kitchen...

Really checking it out before eating!

Sophie and family came to dinner the other night. They play so cute together.

Well, that's all for now. Here's a video of Dave doing "touchdown". He learned to do this on Sunday, too bad it didn't help the Colts win! Touchdown!