Friday, March 22, 2013

A Week of DIY

This past week we have been working on some projects around the new house.  We wanted to paint (shhh, don't tell!) and do a little updating to make it more to our taste.

But first up was fixing our van door, which was refusing to open up more than half-way.  I took it to the dealership and they quoted me $280!! to fix it.  Junky.  So Josh looked it up online and figured out how to fix it at home.  And $11 later he did! 

No big deal, just saving us all kinds of money.

 Dave helping paint our kitchen.  He did a great job!

My mom came up to help with the kids, which is how the kitchen paint job got finished.

We still have a couple things left to do, but it's coming along nicely.  We operate at a much slower pace with the kids! 

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