Monday, May 16, 2016

Ike's 3.5 update

My baby keeps getting bigger and older!  I skipped right past his 3.5 birthday, but figured I should do an update anyway.  He's such a fun kid and I wanted to try to capture his personality a little bit at this stage.

Ike's life pretty much revolves around tractors, backhoes, mowers, etc.  I am so very thankful it is spring because I was having a very hard time keeping the fella indoors all winter long!  He is obsessed with the entire grounds crew here on campus and we still make a trip to see them a couple times a week during their break.

He is still very into his cowboy boots and hat.  Really, any costume will do.  Most of the time he has a costume on these days.

Ugh this face.  Here's a video of him talking about his favorite stuff.

Always hopping on whatever machinery is sitting around.  He even knows to use the ear protection.  ;)

Every day when he gets up he talks to me about what his "jobs" are for the day.  Then he truly goes and completes all of them.  They usually consist of mowing, digging in rocks, using his blower, etc.  I would say he spends a couple hours a day doing his work.  Cracks me up.  In the middle of this blog, Ike dropped a favorite toy into the toilet he had just pooped in.  Classic.  That pretty much sums him up!  Lol.

He has some crazy skills already for a little guy.  He can ride his bike (without training wheels), swim without floats on, and snap his fingers.  It's amazing how different each kid is from the other.  Ike has absolutely no interest in school related things like letters and numbers, whereas Dave knew all of his at this age.  But Dave was so much more cautious (and still is) than Ike, so didn't learn to ride a bike until last summer!

His pet worm.  He was not happy that the worm couldn't stay inside.

Cute pic of Ike and Gamma from a couple weekends ago.

Look at these handsome fellas!  Celebrating Elli's 1st birthday.

Back at it on the tractor down at the shop.

A couple more things.  Ike asks every single day to go to Family Video (the "bideo store") so he can buy a gumball.  This is becoming a very expensive habit!  He loves Jake and the Neverland Pirates and is constantly seeking out treasures everywhere.  He has such a great sense of humor, but is all boy and finds it hilarious when he burps or farts.  He can be a stinker, and tries to use tears to get out of trouble.  Hoping he pushes through that phase quickly!  I often have to turn away so he doesn't see me laughing when I should be punishing him.  :)  Ike is such a joy to raise and I love watching him grow!

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