Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Ike's 5th Birthday

Well, Ike is 5. I always think the previous year's birthday is the hardest and then they go and get another year older and it's the same as before. I'm not quite sure where my babies went, but I sure do love hanging out with these crazy boys that they've become! 

I've been thinking about how I can describe Ike to capture his spirit at this age. Pictures probably do the best job, but there are so many things I want to remember!  Like how he says "breaktast" instead of breakfast. Never fails to make my smile every morning. Right now he's obsessed with Amazon Music and spends most of his day playing and listening to Fall Out Boy or the new Imagine Dragons CD.  I cannot tell you how many times he's run in to blare a song in my face that he's sure I'll love. (He's usually wrong, ha!)

He's teetering on the edge of a lot of things being too little kid for him but I catch him playing with his toys from a couple years ago or he gets a renewed interest in tractors again anytime he sees one in action. Ike is very strong-willed (like his brother...wonder where they got that trait from?). If he gets it in his head that he won't do something, good luck!  Take for instance PJ day at his school this morning. No doing, he was not wearing pajamas.  Instead he wore a polo.  Who doesn't want to wear pajamas all day? 

Alright, on to the pictures.

He got two $5 bills from Josh's grandparents.  Thrilled!

Posing with his black panther cake.  Not sure what that creepy smile is about!

He was very excited to receive a laser tag game.

Commando set he got from my dad and Kyra. 

I forced him to take a selfie with me on his actual birthday. We had almost two weeks of celebrating for him this year!

He got his face painted at our church's fall fest.  He's black panther so they painted a cat face on him, ha!

He found a dead snake at my dad's house.  And proceeded to carry it around.  If that doesn't describe him, I don't know what will!

Ike is such a joy to raise...he's always doing something goofy or super sweet.  He even will still snuggle with me sometimes!  He is incredibly difficult to punish because when he gets into trouble it's usually for something so ridiculous that we can't help but laugh at his antics. I say it all the time, but I would love to just pause him (and Dave) at their current ages right now. They are so much fun!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Random September Happenings

We had a pretty uneventful September which was nice after our hectic summer!  The kids settled into school and we just tried to enjoy the nice weather since we know winter is coming all too soon.

Posing in front of the rainbow.  We've had quite a few this fall.

This was taken during one of many football sessions between Josh and the boys.  Dave is especially obsessed with playing football right now!

Picking corn with the Elliotts.  We picked lots and lots and put it up for the winter with the help of Theresa and Stacey!

At Sam's birthday party.  Ike, Bennett, and Lewis.

Ike doing a little climbing.

Dave had to follow suit of course!

I walked into the kitchen and saw Ike posed this way.  Feet propped up and kicked back with a Lego magazine and some skittles.

Ike and Elli going for a wagon ride.

Dave crammed himself in the baby swing at the park and promptly got stuck.

Ike looking adorable on the swings.  If only he'd learn how to swing by himself!

Sword fighting around the house and cottage.

Visiting with Aunt Amy!

Dave helping make homemade pretzel bites.


Enjoying soda Greg buys him in Cleveland.  He can't get enough of it!

Ike's First Day of Pre-K

Ike started his Pre-K class the day after Labor Day this year.  He was actually excited about going, which was surprising since he did not enjoy going to school last year.

Look at that big smile!  I was sure he was going to give me a grumpy face when I asked how he felt about school!

We went and visited the farm shop after school.

Dave and Ike at the open house before school started.  They're getting so old!

Including this picture so you can read his sign!

Ike is growing up in his big brother's shadow, so he loves video games and random youtube videos just like Dave.  He's more interested in outdoorsy things like digging in the dirt, doing some mowing, and dressing up in his many super hero costumes.  He tolerates listening to books (unlike Dave who still reads all the time) and is finally learning some of his letters!  For the time being he still wants to be a police officer or FBI agent in the future.  Ike is our jokester and loves attention...I think a lot of that has to do with growing up as a staff kid on campus.  All the cottage kids give him tons of attention and he just soaks it on up!

In the last couple of months we have grown out his hair on top and it makes him look so old!  It's super adorable though.  And he just celebrated a birthday (I'll post about that soon).  My little guy is growing up way too fast!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Quaker Haven Family Camp 2017

Over Labor Day weekend we tried out a new adventure with the our family!  Friends of ours have been going to Quaker Haven's family camp their entire lives and asked us to join in on the fun, so we finally took them up on it.  It's a weekend of connecting with each other and God...you do all kinds of fun activities and also break out into sessions with a pastor.  Oh, and also there is eating.  Lots of lots of eating.

Family picture in the dining hall.

Getting ready for gaga ball.

Ike found a little frog.

Ike working on the monkey bars.

They have a pretty epic slip and slide.  Here's a video of Dave.

Our friend Sean was launching the kids from the top.  He got Ike in a really awesome spin move one time.

Dave and Sophia enjoying snack time.

Gaga ball in action. The boys were obsessed with it!

Cute boys outside our lodge.

Dave in front of the beach.

One last family selfie at the barbecue.

We had such a great time at family camp!  Cannot wait to go back next year!  I think this will be a tradition in the making :)

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Evansville Visit

The boys' cousins (Liam and Gavin) were visiting the same weekend we came to Evansville for the eclipse, so we were able to get some quality pool time in with them!

Swimming with Dad.  Video of Ike backflipping. Video of Dave backflipping.

Liam is about as excited for pictures as Ike is currently...

Dave and Liam working on the grandma Kyra's Ipad.

Playing on the slide.

Best picture of the older boys!

Dave and Gavin relaxing in the float.