Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Ike is 6!

Absolutely cannot believe that Ike is 6 already! He has grown into such a fun, energetic, and caring boy. We have lots of adventures with him around and we are definitely always laughing!

For his birthday I surprised him with a "Nailed It" competition. If you haven't seen the show on Netflix I suggest you watch it immediately, but basically it's a baking competition where the bakers are amateurs creating ridiculously hard cakes with not enough time. The kids love it and they had a blast trying to recreate a cake pop that I made.

Dave, Ike and Kyson competed.

Here is what they were trying to make. I think I made it too easy! Kyson turned out to be the winner by a landslide.

Ike's into lots of stuff these days-Harry Potter, spy gear, reading-so he got a wide array of presents this year. Our present to him was tickets to go see Fall Out Boy, which I'll post about later!

New spy glasses. We cannot locate the old pair!

Scuba gear for the pool.

With his happy birthday cake pops. I had to get creative with the display :)

Photo bomb from big bro.

Cake pops in all their glory.

Here is a video I took of Ike. He's not much into my video taking lately, or picture taking for that matter. Hoping he grows out of that because I sure do love to force pictures on the kids!

Some things about Ike:
-he has recently started asking Dave to sleep with him. Not sure why but it is so stinking cute!
-he loves to listen to books (be still my heart!) and is fairly confident sounding out words now.
-still spends a large amount of his time outside-lately he has been making a sludge of sorts out of bits of sand and mud
-taking after Dave, he has gotten pretty good at fortnite-he even had his first victory a couple weeks ago!
-he really enjoys helping in the kitchen

That's all I can think of for now! I love watching this kid grow up and explore...he has such an interesting perspective and I love hearing about things through his eyes!

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