Thursday, April 25, 2019

End of Winter

We came back from Florida to some more winter weather up here, but it does seem to be coming to an end...hopefully. Here's a quick update of what we did in March!

Ike wanted to dye his hair for crazy hair day. I wasn't so sure about that but Theresa came to the rescue with coloring it with sidewalk chalk!

The kids are obsessed with a book Josh got them called Struwwelpeter . It's basically tales of children going against what their parents say and then terrible things happen. Our kids think it's hilarious.

A dramatic story time.

Dave enjoying some Rise n Roll donut holes.

First B and K hotdogs of the year!

Playing some soccer on one of the rare nice days!
Here's a short video of the kids playing with a stomp rocket on another nice day.

Ike's program at the Honeywell. He was extremely pumped about this performance and he did a great job!

Proud of his clay monster he made in art class.

Dave reading to Ike.

It definitely feels like March was the month we just trudged through so we could get to spring! We are all looking forward to having a string of nice days instead of only getting one nice day here and there.

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