Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Eastern Road Trip-Acadia Day 3

Friday morning we got up bright and early to go hike South Bubble. On the way there we decided to stop at Cadillac Mountain since it was on the way.

Boys posing at the top of the mountain.

It was beautiful up there!

The kids found more opportunities to climb stuff. Here's a video. And another one.

We drove over to the trail head for South Bubble but it was completely full, so we had to drive on to Jordan Pond and wait for the bus to take us. The whole park system in Acadia is serviced by a free shuttle system and it was amazing!

Ike in hiking mode.

Made it to the top!

View of Jordan Pond from above.

There's the bubble it is named for!

Since we were parked at Jordan Pond anyway we thought we would hike down and then walk along the water back to are car instead of taking the bus back. We took the scramble way down and man it was a challenge! The pictures do not do it justice-it was at a crazy angle and we were going over huge boulders. Of course the kids were in heaven.

We climbed down forever.

I thought this tree's bark looked so neat!

We technically hiked down between the two bubbles (North and South).

Finally made it to the water. Then all we had to do was hike to the other side. :)

By this point the kids were pretty tired of our hike, but we had about 1.5 miles left. They'd complain for a couple minutes then get a burst of energy and go off climbing stuff.

Off on an excursion, wasting all their energy.

The bubbles are straight ahead in this picture-we hiked the one on the right.

Of course Ike is shirtless. It was a balmy 72 degrees.

After our hike we headed to Northeast Harbor and had a picnic by the marina. We saw a bunch of cool boats and watched guys going out to collect their lobster traps. Then we ate some gelato at McGrath's Variety store-they had the best flavors!

It had warmed up some by the time we got back to our cottage so the boys wanted to go swimming. The water was pretty dang cold but they didn't mind.

Grandpa Charlie's vegetable soup for dinner.

After dinner we went to go check out Bar Island which you can only get to at low tide. We drove to where we thought it was only to be stopped by a nice gentleman that told us we were actually on private property...apparently it happens all the time. Oops.

We did see these deer on our detour.

Finally at the real Bar Island.

You can see the land bridge in this picture-it's only like this at low tide. Otherwise it's completely covered with water.

Lots of tide pools. The kids loved searching for tiny crabs.

Don't worry, no crabs were actually harmed.

Geez that day sure seemed busy now that I'm posting about it. I guess we did take frequent breaks between each activity (and we started out around 8 a.m.!). We definitely make the most of our vacation time!

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