Thursday, April 30, 2020

Stay-at-Home 2020 So Far

This sure has been a crazy 6 weeks so far! Here's a little recap of what has been going on in our world since the kids stopped going to school (and I stopped working a normal schedule!).

We started off pretty strong with daily checklists but that went away sometime after spring break. Now that it is nicer out, the kids are spending lots of time outside instead of on video games/youtube videos so it's a little easier to just let them do their own thing.

Creative play was a highlight of the early they are playing with playdoh.

I have continued a couple aspects of the early checklists: writing letters and keeping a journal. The kids don't really love doing either activity but I wanted them to keep up on their handwriting (neither one has great writing skills) and I think it's cool for them to record what's been going on for them to have later in life. I guess time will tell if that is interesting for them later or not! We've gotten a couple of letters back from people so that's been really fun for them and has helped encourage them to keep writing!

Ike enjoying one of the free lunches their school provides. So nice!

Dave eating some of grandpa Charlie's chicken and dumplings.

Quarantine hair cuts with Aug.

Out for a walk.

Taught the kids about laundry. We've been doing lots of basic life skill learning during this time.

I was super excited to find these hand sanitizers hiding in the linen closet! Liquid gold.

We finished a book.

Biscuits and gravy-Josh has been getting into making breads so he made us homemade biscuits.

Dave learned some card tricks.

We have played lots and lots of games. This is clumsy thief.

Playing with circuits and a Lego engineering set.

So many zoom meetings! Especially for the kids and school. This was a fun one with Grandpa and Tony!

Josh took the boys for a ride around campus.

Lots and lots of wiffle ball.

We've been going to the pool at least once a week.

Easter cards.

Hunting eggs and having a campfire at Josh's parents house. We practiced social distancing outside!

Dave loves watching videos of people trying different foods from fast food restaurants so Josh got chicken sandwiches from a bunch of different restaurants in town for us to do a taste test. Popeye's was still our favorite but Ike liked the KFC the best of these and Dave liked Arby's the best.

Josh made copycat Popeye's chicken from scratch and it was so good!

We have played lots and lots of games-Dave won this round of Clumsy Thief.

Mom is supplying us with masks-and they are super cute!

Burgers and fries challenge. Dave liked the Culver's burger the best and I think everyone else agreed on Wendy's. Culver's definitely had the best fries!

Zoom call with the Bowyers.

Dave's been reading this thick Geronimo Stilton book.

And Ike has started in on the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books.

We've been hunting mushrooms a lot. So far we've found about 30 or so.

And Ike lost his two front teeth! He looks so goofy and I love it!

Overall we have been doing well. Everybody is getting tired of being cooped up for sure! Josh got a new guitar and we've been working on some worship songs and that's been a lot of fun, plus his new guitar sounds so great! I've read a lot of books and the kids are plugging along with their eLearning-they are done next Friday, the 8th so they are very much looking forward to that date! So weird school will be over that early.

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