Thursday, February 18, 2021

Evansville Trip and Snow!

At the end of January we finally made it down to visit some family in Evansville. It was a pretty quick trip (as usual) but we fit quite a bit in!

Ike shooting his BB gun at Gamma's.

The boys and Uncle Denny.

With Grandpa Dave.

We went over to Dad and Kyra's on Saturday to make beef Wellington (Dave's request). It was an all hands on deck, all day affair!

While Dad and Dave were working on the food, Ike helped Grandma Kyra fill her bird feeders.

We also played an intense game of Grab Bag gift exchange.

Ike's still working his way through these rice krispies treats.

Finished product! It was so delicious.

Playing with the Christmas present from Gil and Allie.

When we made it home we had about 7 inches of snow! And the kids and I had a snow day on Monday :)

Sledding behind the Elliotts' house. Here's a video compilation of the boys sledding. I even joined in on the had been a loooong time since I've been sledding!

Boys helping the cottage make a snow man. They never got further than the second layer.

Ike with his snow cairn. He kept saying he'd made a "snow Karen" and I couldn't figure out what he was talking about. The boys were super into finding the cairns on the trails last summer in Utah...finally understood what he was trying to say when he showed me his creation.

Ike also made a tunnel in the huge pile of snow piled up by our driveway.

We've had snow on the ground every day since then. We are pretty much over it at this point. Then this week we got about 11 inches more and the kids have been out of school the whole week! Super thankful we leave for Florida tomorrow!

Showing off the huge icicles they knocked down. 


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