Wednesday, June 29, 2022

King's Kaleidoscope Concert, Holiday World, and Dave's Camp

We were all super excited to get to see on of our favorite band's when they came to Indy again! King's Kaleidoscope is so fantastic live and we had a blast!

Kids were especially glad that I got an upgrade so they'd have a place to sit (and stand on to be able to see better!).

Ike had his last soccer game at the beginning of June (we always seem to miss the actual last game of the season, this year was the same!). He got to try out goalie at his last game and really enjoyed it!

Dave left for camp on the 12th. Can't believe he goes to Jr High Camp now! This year his friend Jericho and Caleb went with him. They had tons of fun of course.

While Dave and Caleb were at camp, I snagged Zac and we headed south to hang out with my family and go to Holiday World. 

This dog, I can't even. Buster is too cute. 

They both rode their first upside down rollercoaster! 

My dad had free tickets from work, so a bunch of us went-Tony and I mostly split off to take Ike and Zac on the crazy rides. 

But we met up for a couple of rides!

Grandpa Charlie and Ike with their flamingo swim trunks. 

When we got home I got to watch a teeny baby, Miss Regina. 

Then before our trip to West Virginia and D.C. we (Josh) pressure washed our deck so it would be ready to paint when we got home.  In the process we met another frog friend!

And the kids earned their free pizza from doing some reading. These pizzas always taste the best!


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