Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Rest of July

The rest of July seemed to fly by once we were home from our trip. We had a lot of fun and did put in some long hours painting the deck!

Ike next to his sunflower of the year. 

Josh power washed the deck before we left...I spent the week we got back painting it!

While tending my garden one evening I watched a cicada emerge from its shell. So cool!

Dinner in Logansport to celebrate Grandma Mary's birthday. 

Ike and Zac had camp for four nights. Unfortunately, Ike and Josh got super sick with a stomach bug and Zac had to go up by himself for a couple nights before Ike could join him!


Definition of happy campers once Ike could finally join!

Meanwhile Dave went to hang out with Caleb for a couple nights in Indy and then he hosted a get-together with his friends, Caleb included!

I canned so many pickles! So nice to have the month of July off to accomplish tasks like this.

We were home for the demolition derby this year! 

The boys finally built my new lego succulent display for my office. It's so cute!

Spontaneous ice cream trip, and Grandpa Boo met us there to enjoy.

One afternoon I snagged some fellas to head to Mississinewa Beach with me :)

White's had a carnival type thing for the of the main attractions was a dunk tank. Josh got volunteered for it and the boys took a couple minutes of his time slot so they could try it.

Grandma and Dave twinning. 

Lots and lots of walks with the boys. I absolutely love that they will still go walking with me.

This sunflower was crazy, kind of like a conjoined twin. 


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