Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Remainder of Christmas Break

The rest of Christmas Break we nursed our sickly members back to health, then had the Smith boys up for some fun before going to Evansville a little later than previously planned!

First up is Ike's room re-arrangement. While the kids were gone with my mom, we moved his room around to make it a little more functional.

The boys all entertained themselves by playing video games and outside whenever they could. Oh and lots of Uno Attack of course. 

Ike and Zach being weirdos eating their kiwi with the skin on. 

Neighborhood trip to the pool. 

We are seriously so blessed with this indoor pool!

Breakfast at 50 East. We hit all the campus highlights.

One last picture before they headed home. 


Dave got a new ball marker for Christmas from my cousin Gil. 

Dinner one night at Dad's. 

A bunch of family got together at a golf simulator in Evansville. They had a blast (I went shopping instead).

Making smash burgers at Grandpa Charlie's. 

And that wraps it up! Definitely a weird Christmas break but we ended up having a lot of fun despite the illneses!

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Christmas 2023

We had a very eventful holiday season this year. Mostly because half of the family ended up getting Covid which altered a lot of our plans!

To start with we were given tickets to the Fort Wayne Philharmonic Orchestra's Christmas concert at the Honeywell. We had such a nice night with the boys and Josh's parents. They put on an excellent show. 

The next weekend we had Bowyer Christmas at Josh's sister's which I've previously posted about. Then Christmas came and my mom was up to celebrate with us. 

After Christmas my mom took the boys to Columbus and then Louisville to do a ton of fun stuff. The zoo, overnight at a hotel, Top Golf. Unfortunately we found out we'd been exposed to Covid and then Dave started feeling kinda junky. The kids were supposed to go to Evansville from Louisville and then us meet them there. Instead, mom drove the boys back and we hunkered down for a week. 

Somehow only Dave and Josh ended up getting sick which was good and they didn't feel too awful. It was rough to have to cancel plans but we ended up making it work pretty well!