Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Remainder of Christmas Break

The rest of Christmas Break we nursed our sickly members back to health, then had the Smith boys up for some fun before going to Evansville a little later than previously planned!

First up is Ike's room re-arrangement. While the kids were gone with my mom, we moved his room around to make it a little more functional.

The boys all entertained themselves by playing video games and outside whenever they could. Oh and lots of Uno Attack of course. 

Ike and Zach being weirdos eating their kiwi with the skin on. 

Neighborhood trip to the pool. 

We are seriously so blessed with this indoor pool!

Breakfast at 50 East. We hit all the campus highlights.

One last picture before they headed home. 


Dave got a new ball marker for Christmas from my cousin Gil. 

Dinner one night at Dad's. 

A bunch of family got together at a golf simulator in Evansville. They had a blast (I went shopping instead).

Making smash burgers at Grandpa Charlie's. 

And that wraps it up! Definitely a weird Christmas break but we ended up having a lot of fun despite the illneses!

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