Thursday, June 24, 2010

We have teeth!

Well, we moved into our new place and started working with our new cottage. It's going very well so far.

My mom came up and helped us as we got everything situated and unpacked (almost done) and she spent much needed quality time with Dave.

Here's Dave in the process of standing up. He does this about a hundred times a day now.

If you enlarge this picture you can see his new pearly whites!

Dave had a visit with his pediatrician yesterday. He is now 27 inches and weighs 15.7 pounds. That puts him at average for height and underweight. Apparently he has a very high metabolism coupled with a high activity level for his age. She told us not to worry and keep doing what we're doing. And she was very impressed at how advanced he is. Needless to say, we're very proud parents!

Alright, here are the videos:

Dave the grocer:

Transferring from coffee table to couch:

Trying to get Josh's cell phone:

1 comment:

Laverne and Shirley said...

Hi Mrs. Bowyer!!!

I just thought that I'd let you know what happened at my Ball State orientation since you are one of the people that helped educate me about Latin.

At orientation they had a placement test for Latin, and I decided to take it just for kicks in hopes that I'd get some credit for it. When I went in to make my schedule my advisor said that I had placed at the 300 course level. I only need three classes to minor in classical languages!

So thanks for being one of my Latin teachers!
