Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cottage Life

I realized this weekend that I don't do a very good job of representing what goes on when we're on duty. Almost all the pictures that I take are from our apartment, or when we're out and about, so I decided to put together a post about Dave's daily activities in the cottage.

These are from last weekend, but it's pretty much what he does everyday that we work.

He has learned to climb up into the office window by using a chair. He'll perch here for a while before climbing back down and trying to get on our desk.

Stopping for a snack break.

Last week he learned how to climb onto the fireplace. He brings all of his stuff up there and sits and plays for a while.

Dave loves to pitch in and help with details. He also likes to hit people in the head with his broomstick.

And when it's time for me to make dinner, he's always around to lend a helping hand. He is so close to being able to open the fridge by himself.

As you can see, Dave pretty much runs the place. The guys love to get him to say words (appropriate of course), and they get him to show off to their parents when they visit.

Lately we've been working on animal noises with him. He can consistently do: cow, monkey, elephant, and sheep. He's hit or miss with rooster, cat, horse, and pig. So, here's a video of his animal sound skills and him saying "ding". Animals sounds.

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