Thursday, March 24, 2011


The weather has been very cooperative this past week, so we have been enjoying lots of time outdoors. Unfortunately, we took a turn for the worse today, but I'm hoping it'll get back on track next week.

It's hard to tell, but he's pushing around the golf bag to his golf set. He runs all over the blacktop with it.

Working on his swing. Maybe he'll be the next Tiger...minus the personal problems.

He stole a curtain rod out of the garage. Why do we buy him toys?

Dave and Josh have been working on getting the band back together.

Here's Dave tuning up his mandolin.

And here they are working on some chords. Check out this video where Dave drops the pick inside the guitar.
Guitar playing with dad.

Here's Dave on his favorite instrument. Dave on kazoo.

This week we went to Dave's 15 month appointment. His doctor was very impressed with his growing vocabulary (he's up to 30 words!). He weighs 21 pounds (17th percentile) and measures in at 31.25 in (50th percentile). That's a 3 pound weight gain, which brought him out of the 0 percentile.

We are gearing up for our long weekend working, but my brother's coming up to hang out...should be a good time!

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