Monday, September 26, 2011

22 months (and Sophie's birthday)

I actually remembered to take his pictures early in the morning-check out his cute Cars pjs! He looks so big to me in these pictures.

New things that Dave can do: he has started saying "I need this, I want that" when asking for something. He also tends to say "mom" instead of mommy. Definitely wasn't ready for that change. He is officially in all 24 month/2T clothes, but they are huge in the waist when he isn't in his cloth diapers.

This past weekend we celebrated Sophie's 2nd birthday down in Indy.

The birthday girl. Here's a video of blowing out her candles.

The boy cousins. Neither look all that thrilled to be taking this picture.

Grandma and grandpa with baby Caleb.

Josh went to visit his friend (another Dave) in Cinci on Friday, so Dave and I went on an outing to the local pumpkin patch. My friend Emily joined us and helped out corralling Dave.

Dave, mom, and the donkeys.

Goats! They were going crazy for Dave.

Hay maze. He remembered how to get through from when my mom took him last week. So he kept running in and around it.

And here's a cute picture from the bath, and a video of putting the dinosaurs to bed (in the bath of course).

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