Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cousin Playdate

Josh's mom picked up Sophie on Sunday, so we spent Monday hanging out with her.  We had planned on going to the Fort Wayne Zoo, but the weather was junky.  We ended up going to the petting zoo in Gas City again and then to the mall to play in the kid area there.  Of course I took tons of pictures!

 Sophie showing off her goat feeding skills.

Dave loves taunting the baby goats.

Looks like Dave was tattling on the rooster.

Apparently chasing ducks is incredibly entertaining.

They played a lot of tag.  Dave was always "it", but it seemed to work for them.

I think the kids ate most of the cereal instead of feeding it to the animals.

Looks like somebody's been watching the Olympics!

Dave rocking the Urkel look after fixing his own pants.

Both of them were so tired after playing that they had to lay down on the table.

Seems like they are conspiring about something...

As you can see, the kids had a great time.  I don't know about Divana, but I sure was tired after chasing them around most of the afternoon! 

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