Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Beach Bums

One of our primary goals when Florida is to get to the beach as often as possible.  Both kids love it, so it is a great way to entertain them for a couple of hours.  Ike is sometimes a bit of a wanderer (he especially likes to walk up to strangers and inform them that they are wearing a hat), but Dave will sit and dig a hole for hours on end.

Our first beach visit didn't go very well...it was about 70 when we left the house, but soon clouds passed over and the wind picked up, and by the time we got to the beach it was 60 and windy.  Brrrr.  Ike was still not feeling great at this point and the wind was bother him, so we flew the kite for about 2 minutes and called it a day.

 Notice the beach is almost completely deserted.

Check out those waves!  It was a red flag day for sure.

Thankfully, it warmed up a lot later in the week and the wind died down, which left us with some beautiful days to enjoy.

Ike enjoying playing in the sand.

Until he was distracted by some random birds.

Every time Ike saw a bird he went crazy and proceeded to follow it down the beach.  For whatever reason, the birds seemed to stay just out of reach but didn't fly away, so Ike was in pursuit for quite some time usually.  Here's a video of him checking out some birds.

Knocking down sand castles is serious business.

They were both very intense looking when working.

Ike and grandpa Dave made their way up into the lifeguard stand!

Dave really liked having his legs buried in the sand.

Another video...Dave and Ike digging in the sand.  We had a blast playing at the beach, and it's somewhat relaxing for Josh and I since the kids are usually pretty occupied so we can kick back a little (which does not happen often right now!!).

Dave keeps asking me when we're going back to the beach.  When I told him we can't get back to Florida for a while he said, "well don't we have a beach here at home?".  Of course, there is a beach nearby, but Dave is not understanding that since we still have snow at our house, the beach probably does too.  Ready for spring :)

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