Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Ike Turns 23 Months and Dave's 1st Day of Pre-K

Since I was slacking on writing both of these posts, I figured I may as well stick them together.  I am in total denial that Ike is going to be 2 in a month and Dave is one short year away from kindergarten.  I can't take all this growing up!

Ike's 23 month picture...only about a week late.

Dave before his first morning.  He looks so old!

Ike wanted to get his picture taken with Dave-pretty sure he thought he was going to school too!

A little about each boy.  Ike continues to dislike hearing "no" and now tattles on whoever did so.  Imagine him crying to the point of blubbering and then telling me, "Daddy said no!!!".  Not a fan.  He has started saying ummm whenever he can't think of an answer.  "Ike, what color is the tractor?"  "ummmmm, blue?"  Still gotta work on those colors  :)  He insists that I sing Muscle in the Arm every night before bed but only really wants to hear the line about the horse.  His favorite books right now are any Curious George and he still loves lawnmowers above all other things.

In the last week Dave has insisted that he will be the following professions:  firefighter, soldier (because they get to carry guns, of course), work at White's like dad, and a basketball player.  So we'll see if any of those turn out.  His teacher this year is Miss Stephanie who he absolutely loves and he seems to be having a ton of fun so far in his class.  He loves to watch youtube videos of kids talking about random things like video games and opening up blind bags.  His favorite TV show is probably Power Rangers right now.  And he is obsessed with anything to do with Legos (especially mini figures).

Ike having a blast playing with noodles.

Dave making a pouty face.

But look at that grin!

Ike keeping our yard looking the best in the neighborhood :)

Bennett, Dave, and Ike playing superheroes upstairs.

Finally, here's a video of Ike singing the Batman and Spider-man songs (sort of) and then attempting to jump.  He really did jump this morning, but has had trouble repeating the skill  :)

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