Monday, June 17, 2019

Last Days of School

The last couple of weeks of school flew by for us! Baseball took up a lot of our time and the kids both had special stuff going on at school (field trips, etc.). They also had their yearly carnival where they get to spend all the points they collect all year by reading at home. I helped out this year and walked Ike and some classmates around. Holy moly kindergartners have some energy!

Dave and his buddy Alec enjoying some treats.

Ike was only a little excited.

Unrelated to school ending, but we always have a family of birds that nest in our awning that dive bomb us every time we enter and leave our house. This year we got to see the babies just before they flew off.

Aren't they cute?

Before school ended my mom came up to visit the weekend before school was out to hang with the kids and check out a couple baseball games.

Speaking of baseball games, there sure were some cold ones this year!

Really wish I had brought gloves to this one!

And finally last day of school pictures. The kids (mostly Ike) were extremely excited for summer to begin. Dave pretty much loves school so he misses it most days!

I can't believe we will have a 1st and 4th grader next year!

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