Monday, April 12, 2021

Catching Up with March

We didn't have much going on in March, so here is a quick wrap-up!

Dave competed in state for his robotics team. They had a great season and even made it to Worlds! They decided not to compete since it would be virtual this year, but we are hoping for a great season next year!

Ike waiting patiently for the state results :)

When they found out they made it to worlds.

Finally put the lights on Ike's bike that he got for Christmas from the Smiths.

Ike went to his friend Jacob's sleepover birthday party and had the most fun. They ate shrimp for dinner which I could not stop talking about!

Josh helped me put together and prepare my new raised bed gardens. I am ready for warm weather to get farming!

Just a picture of Ike reading by me one day. 

Dave started going to a youth group at a friend's church a couple weeks ago. My friend Jodi took them to the park and they had dinner before going.

The Smith boys came up on a Friday during their spring break to hang out with us. Then on Saturday they all stayed with Josh's parents while we had a date in Indy! We went to a salt float place-it was super different, ha! I think we liked it overall. And we had lunch out and a quiet evening at home. Sunday was Palm Sunday so we all went to our church and then had brunch and an Easter egg hunt.

And last but not least, Ike joined a wrestling club. He is super excited about this!

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