Thursday, April 29, 2021

Spring Break 2021

For spring break this year we spent the first half of the week at home and the last half in Evansville. The weather was so nice! It ended up being in the 70s in Wabash and we had a day in the 80s in Evansville, crazy!

Ike made himself some homemade popsicles out of pineapple Fanta. 

Morning walk, pretending to be by the beach!

Some of my spring flowers, they did so well this year.


I finished this awesome puzzle Tony and Ben gave me. So proud of myself :)

The boys went on a brother date to 50 East. I took the picture then left them to hang out.

Next we headed down to Southern Indiana to visit for several days.

We finally got to meet Buster, Tony and Ben's new puppy. Ugh he is so cute!

Kids helping Gamma cook breakfast. Of course we had french toast AND pancakes.

We went to the Lincoln Boyhood Memorial National Park with grandpa and Tony. I'd never been before, and it was neat to see where Abe spent many years of his childhood. Unfortunately the visitors center was closed so we didn't get to see everything.

Bronze casting of the original cabin.

So many pretty flowers!

Grandpa and the boys walking on the train track.

After that we went and got Popeye's (Dave is always talking us into it!) and met Tony and Buster at the park.

It was super windy and not that warm so we didn't make it long!

Kids and Josh playing with the dry ice that came with the fancy steaks we bought Dad for his bday.

On Friday we went to Owensboro to the awesome river front park and then got pizza at Fetta, so good!

Came back to do some golf carting at Grandpa Dave's house.

On Saturday we celebrated my Dad's 60th birthday! We got him some obnoxious balloons and Wagyu Delmonico steaks from Black Hawk Steaks. 

Crafting with Grandma Kyra.

After they were sous vide for 3 hours. 

Finished product.

It's tiny but this is a clip of Ike trying oysters. We all tried them. Blech not for me but I was glad I did it!

Posing with the birthday boy. Ha!

And that wraps up our spring break. We had so much fun seeing everybody! 

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