Thursday, February 10, 2022

January Wrap-Up

The boys sure kept us busy during the month of January! Dentist appointments, basketball and robotics were the theme of the month.

Ike at their dentist check up. Found out he definitely needs braces, more on that in February!

Dave finished out his basketball season for the 6th grade team. He ended up playing a lot more minutes for the A team towards the end of the season. A team finished without any wins and I think B team ended up with 2 wins. Looking forward to next season!

Ike finally received his last Christmas present! Grandpa Dave went in on this with us and Grandpa Charlie and Grandma Kyra got him a target. Can't wait for it to warm up so he can practice!

The boys have really gotten into playing music with Josh. He finally got his amp back so there have been lots of jam sessions lately. 

Ike cannot resist going outside no matter how cold it is!

We did take a walk on the last day of warm weather before a big snow storm hit.

We have all been going through our things to donate stuff before we move. Josh parted ways with his wedding suit but not before Ike had a little try on!

Ike wore the wrong color to the varsity basketball game. 

Josh and the boys went to a birthday celebration for some of his cousins. 

Gamma came to visit! She was able to attend one of Dave's basketball games, one of Ike's wrestling practices and a robotics competition! 

It was a really cool competition-the boys got paired up for the team part!


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