Thursday, April 14, 2022

Wrestling, Glass Animals Concert, and some Family Meetups

Our end of winter/beginning of spring seemed super busy! I don't think I've mentioned on here yet but Josh took a new position at White's and is now VP of Residential! Super proud of him, and it means we are moving yet again, but i'll get to that later!

Mid March we got together to celebrate Josh's Aunt Gayle's retirement. Several of his aunts and uncles came to town so it was great to see everybody (some attended via zoom).

Ike's been really into rocks and gems lately so we bought him some cool geodes for Christmas. He's really enjoyed cracking into them and getting creative with his methods!

Highlight of March for the boys (well besides the Florida trip!) was getting to see one of their favorite bands in concert finally! We took them to the Glass Animals concert down in Indy. It was a great show and the kids even got to go up front for a couple of songs thanks to a super nice security guard!

Since we were in Indy we met up with the Smith clan for dinner at Shake Shack. Man it was good!

Ike's wrestling competitions came to an end, but he is still in a club for it as of right now. His last meet went great, he won a match on points and he got a pin!

And finally we started moving over to our new house (on campus). We will officially be sleeping there as of this weekend but we slowly moved a lot of things over while maintenance was still working on some things. I am ready to be over there and settled!


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