Friday, April 22, 2022

The Rest of Spring Break and Easter

The rest of the week of spring break we just hung out at home and I tried to get some stuff purged for our upcoming move. The weather wasn't the most cooperative but we made the most of it!

I babied along my seedlings. They still aren't doing the best now that I've planted them in the gardens but they are still alive so I'm hoping they turn around!

Ben came over for a sleepover. We always love hosting him!

The next big event was Barry's 60th birthday! Brit and fam surprised him and all came up to have dinner, such a nice evening.

Dave's really been working on his culinary skills. He often makes himself and Ike breakfast sandwiches in the morning-it's great!

Campus hosted a big Easter egg hunt again this year-so many kids came out for it and it they all got tons of candy!

The boys and two of the Chellis crew. 

And finally a super early morning family portrait! We went to the sunrise service at church on Easter and man I was tired!


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