Sunday, February 12, 2023

Winter Jam, Fancy Dinner, and Visit from Gamma and Justin

For Christmas Dad and Kyra gifted us passes to Winter Jam (Andy Mineo was there this year!), this was the first concert of the year for us so we were pretty excited!

While we were at our concert, Mom and Justin were driving up for the weekend to hang out. Dave had a percussion trio performing (they received a gold award!). They hung out with the kids on Saturday night so Josh and I could go to a super fancy dinner at Joseph Decuis. Man that was delicious and such a fun treat.

I also keep forgetting Josh had a beard there for several months ha!

Finally, Josh's grandparents always send the boys cards for holidays, which they love. Mostly because they contain gift cards to fast food restaurants but I'm sure they'd appreciate the gesture without the gift cards :)


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