Saturday, May 27, 2023

Last Day of School 2022-23

The boys had a fantastic year of school. 4th and 7th grade were very good to us! Ike absolutely loved his teachers (especially Mr. Denney) and Dave thrived being in the jr/high school with all the different classes and teachers. Ike's favorite subject was science and Dave's was math and science, he couldn't pick between them.

Ike really grew in his soccer game and enjoyed robotics, though his team didn't end up doing very well this year. He plans to participate in it again next year. 

Dave decided to opt out of basketball this year and instead focused on esports and robotics through most of the school year then picked up golf in the spring. Golf has been such a blessing for him and he continues to keep playing. He even won the local golf course scholarship for junior player and so will be able to play all year for free!

They are both very much looking forward to camp coming up and the trip to Kentucky with all of my close family. Here's to a great summer!


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