Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Soccer, Mother's Day, Ike's Injury

May was such a busy month! Ike had lots of soccer, we spent a ton of time hunting mushrooms, and Dave was in the midst of golf matches. Lots of fun stuff going on :)

Since we don't buy pictures I had Ike pose by my pretty lilac bush. 

We found the mother load of mushrooms! Such a fun day. 

Dave had a band concert. They all were so much better than last year at this time. Very impressed with their improvement!

We had a get together for mother's day with a lot of Josh's family. Good to see everybody!

I helped out at Ike's school with the carnival (they earn points by reading all year). He got this super nice hat, tinsel in his hair, and a bunch of soda. 

The cousins came up the next weekend. Here they are at Ike's soccer game. 

Sunday morning Josh and I went for a quick walk on campus while the kids played outside. About half way through we received a frantic call from Dave that Ike had gotten hurt. We ran home to find one of our neighbors helping out and Josh had also received two more calls from other adults on campus alerting us to what was going on (I love living on campus, it is truly so wonderful having people looking out for our family!). Turns out Ike had gotten in the way of a swing and his forehead was busted open. Everything ended up fine, and they just glued his head back together at the hospital!


Definitely a stressful morning but so glad Ike was fine in the end!

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