Thursday, March 28, 2024

Things in March

March was a little slower for us, which was a nice change! Gearing up for soccer and golf season starting in April!

Campus planted thousands of trees and offered us one to plant in our yard. Unfortunately it has since died, but maybe we'll try again in the fall! 

Ike helped me feed Grandma and Grandpa's outside cats while they were gone. 

I bought this new way of coloring fake easter eggs and it was an absolute riot as everyone tried their hand at it. 

We played a rousing game of penny drop and Barry went for a crazy roll and got it. This is the kids' and Em's reactions. Hilarious. 

Campus Easter Egg hunt. Josh hanging with the Easter Bunny who is our neighbor. 

Dave had an esports invitational between Southwood and Northfield. He took the win!

Spring is my favorite-my daffodils did awesome this year. 

I love seeing all the little kids on campus, they're so cute! They come hang out and jump on our trampoline sometimes. 

I got into making sourdough things. Don't worry it didn't last very long ha! Here was my first attempt at bagels-they were pretty dang good. 

And finally a couple of robotics competitions!

Friday, March 8, 2024

Florida 2024 Part Two

On Thursday morning we got up at the crack of dawn to hit the early bird special at Serenoa Golf Club. Golfing was incredibly pricey down in Florida so we were trying to save a couple bucks! This golf course was absolutely beautiful. I went along as Ike's driver :)

We were back with enough time to get a bike ride in before lunch. 

We decided to switch it up and went to the South Jetty beach today. It was way less crowded and the boys loved that they could throw the football without worrying about hitting other beachgoers!

It got a little cloudy so we didn't stay super long, but we really enjoyed this one. 

On Friday we were back at the North Jetties to soak up the last bit of beach before heading home on Saturday. 

Had to get a picture with our fabulous hosts. They have put up with us for 15 straight years!! That's not including the times before, I think I'm up to about 17 or 18 visits at this point!

We drove home all in one day, stopped at two Buc-ees along the way. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Florida 2024 Part One

We left behind Indiana for our annual trek to Florida during the last week of February. This of course involved a stop over with a continental breakfast on the way down.

Ike with the worlds tiniest pancake. The cool pancake machine ran out of batter and this is what they got!

We arrived to Lake Village on Saturday afternoon, the kids got right to taking a walk and throwing the football in the street.

Sunday morning we went to Venice so the boys could play Pokemon Go, there was a big event. We walked around for a couple of hours then hit the beach for a bit. 

After the beach we came back to swim for a little while before Dave made us dinner on the Blackstone. 

Dave cooked us up some delicious smash burgers!

Monday we got up and surprise! headed to the beach. Today we went to North Jetties. 

After lunch, the fellas all went golfing at Lake Venice Golf Club.

After dinner I took the boys to the hot tub for a quick dip. 

So many bike rides. 

We went to Caspersen Beach on Tuesday but I didn't take very many pictures! The boys played some football on the beach then we went to lunch at Darrell's Barbecue. So delicious. 

Ike had been eyeing a coconut tree down the street and Grandma Mary was happy to help Ike figure that out. 

Mission accomplished. It took him forever to crack that thing open but he really enjoyed it once he got it!

Wednesday we went back to jetties-it's the closest beach to their house and one of our favorites. 

This water was freezing but it was so hot I went in. Yikes it was cold!

Stop off for ice cream on our way to the drum circle. This is Sweet Melissa's Ice Cream Shop.  


It was an absolutely beautiful night. The drum circle is very different, everyone brings their own drum and people just start going for it. And there's lots and lots of dancing.