Friday, March 8, 2024

Florida 2024 Part Two

On Thursday morning we got up at the crack of dawn to hit the early bird special at Serenoa Golf Club. Golfing was incredibly pricey down in Florida so we were trying to save a couple bucks! This golf course was absolutely beautiful. I went along as Ike's driver :)

We were back with enough time to get a bike ride in before lunch. 

We decided to switch it up and went to the South Jetty beach today. It was way less crowded and the boys loved that they could throw the football without worrying about hitting other beachgoers!

It got a little cloudy so we didn't stay super long, but we really enjoyed this one. 

On Friday we were back at the North Jetties to soak up the last bit of beach before heading home on Saturday. 

Had to get a picture with our fabulous hosts. They have put up with us for 15 straight years!! That's not including the times before, I think I'm up to about 17 or 18 visits at this point!

We drove home all in one day, stopped at two Buc-ees along the way. 

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