Thursday, March 28, 2024

Things in March

March was a little slower for us, which was a nice change! Gearing up for soccer and golf season starting in April!

Campus planted thousands of trees and offered us one to plant in our yard. Unfortunately it has since died, but maybe we'll try again in the fall! 

Ike helped me feed Grandma and Grandpa's outside cats while they were gone. 

I bought this new way of coloring fake easter eggs and it was an absolute riot as everyone tried their hand at it. 

We played a rousing game of penny drop and Barry went for a crazy roll and got it. This is the kids' and Em's reactions. Hilarious. 

Campus Easter Egg hunt. Josh hanging with the Easter Bunny who is our neighbor. 

Dave had an esports invitational between Southwood and Northfield. He took the win!

Spring is my favorite-my daffodils did awesome this year. 

I love seeing all the little kids on campus, they're so cute! They come hang out and jump on our trampoline sometimes. 

I got into making sourdough things. Don't worry it didn't last very long ha! Here was my first attempt at bagels-they were pretty dang good. 

And finally a couple of robotics competitions!

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