Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Trip to Evansville and Holiday World

At the end of May/beginning of June we picked up the Smith boys and went to Evansville for a trip, but mostly to take advantage of my dad's company picnic at Holiday World. Dad was able to score some extra tickets so we all got to go which was so awesome!

On our way!

Living it up at Gamma's house.

Swimming at Tony and Ben's.

Before swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's. Ha, so much swimming!

My nephews and niece were visiting too so we got to hang out with Liam, Gavin and Morrison some. 

Cute photo of Gamma and the boys. 

Then we were off to Holiday World. It was a miserable day, but that led to lower wait times. It felt like we had the whole place to ourselves.

We did the regular park first, ate lunch, then went to the water park. I about froze to death there but we survived!

While Josh went to get the van, Tony and I took the kids to do one last ride. Dave and I chose the much tamer Good Gravy while the rest hit the Thunderbird again. 

Such a fun trip, the kids kept asking when we could go back but we couldn't make it work this summer. Hopefully next year!

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