Thursday, June 27, 2024

Wild West Trip II: Getting There

 The first leg of our trip was a bit of a struggle this time around. Our plan was to get to South Dakota as quickly as possible but we had some run-ins with flooding that slowed us down and a bit of bad weather that held us up in Sioux Falls. We also had to deal with our credit card getting compromised about an hour into our drive! Thankfully we didn't have many other hiccups along the way after the start :)

We started off on Thursday, June 20th and made it as far as Coralville, IA. The kids of course had to swim so they burned off some energy while Josh got our stuff for the night situated. 

Up bright and early on Friday planning to make it to Kadoka, SD but things changed along the way. We ran into some bad flooding on the interstate causing us to detour about an hour. 

We stopped in Sioux Falls to regroup and then realized a really bad storm was coming in and would hit us while we were driving. I was able to cancel our hotel in Kadoka and found a place to stay there. After we got that all figured out we walked around the falls for a bit-which was crazy flooded, then headed to our hotel before the storm hit. 

Ike and I climbed the observation tower. It was so pretty from up there. 

The boys swam in the pool and my mom helped us secure some food with her doordash :) We got Pizza Cheeks and it was delicious. 

Up early again on Saturday and we hit a bit of weather but finally left the rain behind us as we entered into the Badlands!

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