Sunday, January 18, 2009

Grandma Ruby

This past week has been such a roller coaster for me and my family. On Monday, my grandma had a heart attack and at first we thought she would be okay. Tuesday night we were told to come down and say our goodbyes. Fortunately, she lived long enough for everyone to make it into town and see her one more time. It wasn't really her, but it was nice to say goodbye.

Anyway, I know she wouldn't want everyone to be sad over her passing, but would want us to remember the good times. We will all remember her as a person who was constantly smiling and always had a kind word for everyone. She made countless afghans and blankets for everyone in the family, along with creating the original beanie babies. When I was little I remember her (at age 50) doing cartwheels in the yard with my cousins and I. Summing it up, she was the coolest.

I am hoping to keep up her tradition of making blankets and little beanies, and in fact she left a whole bunch to finish up. So, I'm working on finishing one right now for my 2nd cousin who is going to Iraq. It gives me something to do to remember her and keep me busy.

Right now Josh and I are back from Evansville after spending the weekend hanging out with the family and keeping grandpa busy. We are very blessed for the support that we have received through our hardship, and it was really nice to see everyone back together and to reconnect. My advice for everyone is to make time for your family-I am so thankful that I know she knew how much she was loved.

Here's a picture of grandma and grandpa at our wedding.


Chelsea said...

I am very sorry to hear about your grandmother, but glad to hear she had such a full and happy life. Perhaps the boys at White's will take up crocheting with you?

Dana & Keith Newbrough said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. You and your family are in my heart, thoughts and prayers. I know that she is watching you from heaven.