Monday, February 9, 2009

Josh's B-day and Trip

So, I have been terrible about updating lately. Sorry if you've been checking and I haven't been updating. Tsk tsk to me. By the way, the pictures above are of the afghan I finished that grandma had started for one of my relatives. He's being deployed to Iraq, or maybe already has, hence hte camo.

Anyway, this last weekend we took a day trip to Mishawaka, which is right by Notre Dame. So, we stayed at the Beiger Mansion (which was a giant place, incredibly decorated, and had awesome food!) and then toured the South Bend Chocolate Factory and Notre Dame.

Notre Dame was really cool...we saw Touchdown Jesus (why did I think this was a statue?)

And we checked out the rest of campus--this is my artsy picture of the chapel

This is me at the chocolate factory. It was a pretty corny tour, but worth it because they give you a piece of free chocolate! We also got to wear hair nets. Nice.

Here's a link to the bed and breakfast. I highly recommend it.

In other news, we finally sold the house for good, check is in the bank. Yessss. We're settling into the new place, almost everything is unpacked. I'll take pictures of our new digs here soon. I need to clean first!

Also, (jeez this post is long) Josh and I had an exciting morning today. Two of our guys decided to run. Well, they didn't get too far before we realized they were missing (about 5 minutes) so with help from the police, White's was able to track them down. The sad thing is that one of them has been here for a while, so he is likely to be terminated. I know we will see lots of guys leave while we are here, but it's hard to see one go!

1 comment:

Laverne and Shirley said...

This picture with Lucy and Ethel is AMAZING!!! It just made my day. Life is pretty amazing. Andy and I are indeed dating now, just as you predicted. lol. I had a dream with you and Mr. Kizzia. You two were fighting to the death and you of course won! Ha ha. I am really glad that you are setteling in alright.

we miss you, Lea