Sunday, August 9, 2009

I am a terrible blogger

So, my mom has been on my case about my lack of blogging, so I figured I better take it up again. Lots of things have been going on, so here's a quick update and hopefully I can elaborate later.

I'm busy cooking baby Bowyer, set to be born November 25th. We're not finding out what we're having, so it'll be a surprise, but everyone is leaning towards boy. I don't really have an inclination either way. I'm really starting to show and strangers comment now. Not sure if that's good or bad :)

We went on vacation to Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, and Utah in July. Really awesome, but super hot. I'm going to work on posting pictures here soon.

We've been releasing guys left and right, but should be expecting a few new ones once school starts. Right now we're down to 9, where we had 16 in May. Crazy how quickly things change!

I have been working really hard on lots of crafting projects. Josh and I are going to cloth diaper and I've been making wipes to go along with them and crocheting a lot. I've also been trying to figure out how to decorate baby's room and I decided on a Dr. Seuss theme. However, it turns out this is the most impossible thing to find in a fabric, so I'm going to need to be creative.

Well, I plan on posting some pictures of my projects and some vacation pictures in here this week, so be looking for that if you're reading!

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