Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Due Date!

Well, we made it to my due date! Not that it really means anything, but still exciting. Mom wanted us to take a picture with me really pregnant, so we had Josh's sister Em take one of us by a pretty tree at his parent's house.

And Josh looks super skinny. Not fair. hehe. Oh, I am supposed to post about our "baby" arriving--we picked up Josh's PS3 on Monday from Walmart. He is ecstatic. I have to admit, it is pretty cool, but I'm growing tired of watching him kill aliens already. Just another day at the office, killing aliens and saving the world I guess. Anyway, baby #1 is here, just waiting it out for the real deal. However, this one does sleep through the night and can be muted...

In other news, I hope to make it past Thanksgiving before going into the hospital-we'll see if baby cooperates or not. Only one day to go, and as long as I get to eat I guess I can go in on Thanksgiving night or something. But I haven't been feeling anything crazy still, just the Braxton Hicks which make me feel like I have abs of steel. Kinda awesome. Doc doesn't think I'll make it to my next appointment which is Tuesday-anybody taking bets?

Speaking of which, everyone thinks baby is a boy! What's up with that? I am pumped either way, but isn't it weird that we have so many boy votes? Now baby is going to prove everyone wrong and be a girl! Should be less than a week before we find out :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! And I'll leave you with our "crazy pose" from our photo shoot on Monday.

1 comment:

Dana & Keith Newbrough said...

I'm going with boy, only because there seems to be a string of people that use to/work at Herron that had boys. I was the only one I know with a girl. But - both are fun! I hope you get to eat some turkey - and it might work out well...turkey makes you sleepy and maybe you could sleep through the delivery. Okay - unrealistic and setting your hopes too high. ;) I do wish you a wonderful holiday and delivery. Can't wait to see picks of the little one.