Wednesday, November 18, 2009

This is really going to happen.

Given that I've had almost 10 months to wrap my mind around the idea that I will be a mom, you'd think I'd have this under control. It's not like I don't understand what's going to happen, but it is a hard concept for me to grasp when I have nothing to show for it so far. Of course I feel baby move all the time and it constantly jabs me in the ribs, but it just isn't the same as actually having it as an outside baby.

That being said, I am officially one week from my due date. Now, I am in complete denial about going into labor. I will truly be startled when it happens because I've been tricking my mind into staying pregnant through Thanksgiving. Not quite so sure that's going to happen though. Doc said yesterday I could go at anytime-yikes. I have been flip-flopping from being super excited to ridiculously freaked out since she told me that. I'm still holding out hope that I make it through the holiday, but we'll see about that one I guess.

Otherwise, I think we're finally ready-we put the stroller together and got the carseat out. It's still not installed in the car, but that's not too big a deal-Josh can do that at the hospital if necessary I guess.

I also finished the baby blanket I was making for our night guard and his wife-she's due two days after me. Here's the finished product

They're having a boy and doing his room in a jungle theme-hence the camo type yarn. I was pretty pumped with how it turned out, and can't believe I got it done in time! It was like a sweat shop up in here the last couple of weeks :)

Well, I will either post again next week with an update, or with pictures of baby!


Unknown said...


I just went through labor on the 10th with my 3rd baby girl, can't believe it's been 8 days. You will be fine, just listen to your labor nurse and if it is in your birthing plan take all pain meds that are offered.


Dana & Keith Newbrough said...

I remember all those feelings - totally normal. It is amazing how natural motherhood is though. You will be amazing! The hardest thing is the waiting -- but from delivery on will be the best days of your life. :) Can't wait to see pics.