Monday, February 28, 2011

15 months!

Our little fella just keeps getting bigger. (And more destructive, I'm typing this blog without a backspace key because he destroyed it.) Here is his 15 month picture:

This weekend we went to visit my family in Evansville. We couldn't take any extra days because of our vacation, so we had to do a whirlwind tour. The weather driving down was terrible, but it turned much nicer down there and Dave even played outside on Sunday!

Snacking on a Dove ice cream bar. Think he likes it?

This is from our house-I just couldn't resist a picture of his IU sweatsuit that Josh's grandparents (who we are visiting in Florida) bought him for Christmas. Too cute.

Dave, granddad, and Uncle Tony.

Cooking with granddad.

Sorry, no videos (unless my mom uploads one-I'll link it later). She got an awesome video of Dave talking to birds with my grandpa. We're heading down to Indy to fly out at 3:30 AM tomorrow morning, and then we'll be in sunny Florida!

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