Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Blizzard

Up here in Northern Indiana we geared up for the big blizzard all week. Josh and I went to the store on Monday (not for supplies, just normal old food) and it was crazy everywhere. Anyway, the snow started falling Monday night and we hunkered down. Here is what we woke up to on Tuesday morning:

I think we received a couple of inches, but nothing too bad-our kids still went to school on Tuesday.

We were projected to receive anywhere from 6-24 inches on Tuesday night. Instead we ended up with another couple of inches and some sleet/freezing rain.

This is Thursday morning (no snow melted yet, it's freezing up here!) You can't see this, but our door to the garage is snowed in-they kept plowing our road and now our door won't open!

Due to all of the freezing stuff, our county had a level one snow emergency (only medical and important people out on the roads). School was canceled and all that, so no free time for us. Overall though, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I really expected to be completely snowed in for several days. As it is, the kids had school today and the roads seem okay to drive.

I have taken pretty much no good pictures of Dave this week, so you're stuck with crummy ones. But, I will redeem myself with awesome videos.

Being very helpful by mopping the floor. Never mind that it's all his mess to start with.

My mom gave him a little laptop bag and he loves to carry it around.

I think he's afraid I'm going to take it from him. Definitely mean mugging.

Alright, here are the videos I promised to deliver on.

Playing on the couch.

Finding his shadow.

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