Monday, April 11, 2011

Procrastinated Post

As I mentioned in the post below, the boys have been out of school for the last week or so. I'll use that as my excuse for not providing a post last week. But, I did take pictures, so here goes...

Dave enjoyed hanging out in the cottage full time. Well, at least most of the time.

We had a pretty major leak that first appeared in our bedroom. Maintenance came to check it out, and this is what happened to our bathroom. Two days later, we had a working bathroom again. Not ideal when that is the only bathtub we have in our house! But, we did get new a new floor out of the deal.

We took the boys on a working off-campus trip to Quaker Haven. It was supposed to be kind of nice, but ended up being about 45, cloudy, and windy. Dave was a trooper and made it until lunch, and then we took off ahead of the fellas.

Dave loved this piggy bank we got from our friends the Lauers. He liked to ride around on it like a horse. About a minute after this picture was taken, Dave spiked it on the floor and it shattered into a million pieces.

I caught him on the table again getting into my Easter eggs. Then he found his pig up there and got really excited.

Since I almost always put up extremely cute photos and videos of Dave, I thought I should put up one that showcases the other side of our little guy. I was attempting to get him to do the Itsy, Bitsy Spider motions (which he can totally do by the way), and we had a bit of a meltdown. Cranky Dave.

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