Wednesday, April 27, 2011

17 months old!

I cannot believe how big he is getting. He's about to outgrow his 18 month winter wear that I thought he would never fit into in the first place. Thankfully, shorts fit longer because I have a ton of 18 month shorts for this summer!

Sorry for the food in the picture-I'm having to get very creative to keep Dave from attacking my poster.

Dave is loving the intermittent nice weather that we've been getting. This is from last Saturday-Josh's mom and I took him to the park after the Easter bunny.

Here he is all gussied up Easter morning. We attended the singing at the chapel. Dave's not at a point where he can sit through a sermon (or anything for that matter).

I love this goofy grin!

Dave takes cleaning very seriously. Last week, he upgraded his toy vacuum to the real deal. Living the high life.

Thank you to everybody who contributed to Dave's Easter basket(s) this year! He loved spoiling himself with some M&Ms and other candies. I think one of his favorite things was the Bubble Guppies shirt that my dad and Kyra sent for him. Here's a video of him wearing it (and doing various other things of course). Bubble Guppies shirt.

This weekend we're heading to Columbus to check out my mom and Andrew's new digs. And mom and I are going to the Cleopatra exhibit in Cincinnati-Super pumped about that.

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