Monday, February 6, 2012

The Big Move

Sorry I've been missing from the blog the past week-we just finished our move over to cottage 2, and boy am I glad that's over! We started packing last week and were able to move stuff over starting on Thursday, so that made the transition a little easier.

Here's Dave "helping" pack up the spare room.

Hiding in an empty closet.

This was from the first wave of moving (and by far the most organized).

Josh's parents took Dave into Logansport on Thursday, so that gave me the opportunity to start unloading boxes at our new place. I love being able to do that so it's not as overwhelming. Then my mom came in on Thursday night to help us over the weekend, when we moved the bulk of our furniture and bigger items. Our guys pitched in and made the move very smooth.

So now we are all (well, mostly) unpacked and loving our new space. Josh's parents came over again yesterday and helped with placing furniture and hanging pictures. As I finish stuff up, I'll post pictures of our finished rooms, but for now I have Dave's new playroom.

I think it turned out cute, and I have a couple more pictures to hang.

I have a couple of pictures from the past week, so here they are.

Dave jamming on Josh's drum set. We finally are able to set it up again!

Dave loves putting on other people's shoes.

We had a really nice day last Tuesday so we took playgroup outside to the playground.

Loving the swings.

The night before the move, Dave had an awful night sleep-wise. Josh ended up getting up with him at 3:30 and letting him just hang out for a while before we went back to sleep. While he was up, Josh took some hilarious videos of Dave acting super goofy. Let's go find the flashlight. and Animal noises at 3 A.M.

Last mom entertained Dave with a new game at bath time. Fun with letters.

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